Clean Well and Save Time

In all likelihood, when you read the title “Clean Well and Save Time” your first thought is – impossible. After all, most people believe that cleaning well requires more time to accomplish, not less. Well, that may be true but not if you follow these tips and tricks from Signature Maids. With more than a decade of cleaning experience, the professionals at Signature Maids know how to get the job of cleaning done well and save time in the process. Today, they share their tips with you on how to stay on task and get the job done well in record time.
Clean Along the Way
You may have heard this one before, probably from mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa. Cleaning along the way, as you make the messes, will save you more time and keep your spaces cleaner than you imagine. It is especially true for the high traffic areas like the kitchen and the bathrooms. Think about it, when you are in the kitchen preparing and cooking meals for the family, wiping surfaces, putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and washing pots, mixing bowls, measuring cups, and pans as you finish with them will make for easy clean up once mealtime is complete. Plus wiping the stove, fridge, countertops, and microwave when clean up is done will save you time when deep cleaning is needed. The same is true for the bathrooms -wiping out the sink, wiping down the counters, and hanging up towels after you get ready saves times and keeps the space clean for everyone. Don’t forget to stock cleaning supplies in the kitchen and in the bathrooms, so cleaning along the way every day will become a habit!
Clean Top to Bottom
No matter where you are cleaning, you always want to start at the top and work your way down to avoid cleaning twice in every space. Think about it, dust obeys the law of gravity, so when you start at the top (like the ceiling fan) and work your way down to the floor, you’ll only need to clean up the dust once. If you start low and dust upward, you’ll just need to re-dust all the lower areas you did first! Remember, use a soft cloth (like microfiber) on hard surfaces, and add a lint roller for lampshades and upholstered surfaces.
Clean the Floors
Your home’s floors endure a lot of traffic and activity and with that traffic comes dirt, spills, grime, and more. You can help keep your floors clean with welcome mats at all the entryways, encouraging everyone to wipe their feet, or better yet, remove their shoes when entering. Consider limiting eating to places like the kitchen table or island or the dining room to limit spills and crumbs to a single easy to clean area. When it comes times to clean the floors – from hard surfaces to carpeting – chose the proper cleaning tools and cleaners to get the job done well and not damage your flooring.
Clean Laundry – The Never-Ending Task
Laundry, the necessary but never-ending chore, can be made easier and more effective with a few simple tips. Begin by encouraging family members to hang or fold clothes and put them away after wearing if they are still clean! Make a note with basic laundry directions and post it in the laundry area so everyone can get involved in the process – washing, drying, folding, and putting away. The laundry process can be easily simplified when everyone does their part, from starting a load to wash, moving the freshly washed load to the dryer, to folding and putting away. If needed, assign roles to make the task easier.
Call on the Signature Maids to Clean Well and Save You Time
If you need help, call on the experts at Signature Maids to help you with exceptional cleaning that fits your schedule and your budget.