Dusting is Important!

You might be wondering why dusting is so important. After all dusting is a simple job, one that is easy to accomplish well. Even so, dusting is important to your overall cleaning, and should be done thoroughly and often. Why? It delivers numerous benefits for your home and your family. Whether you are taking on the task yourself, or employing the professionals to do your dusting, here are some reasons why dusting is crucial to your cleaning routine.
Defining Dust
What is dust? Well, dust is made up of lots of items including soil, dead skin, pet dander, fibers, mold, pollen, bacteria, dust mites, and more. Disgusting, yes, but certainly a testimonial as to why you want to keep it removed from your home.
Benefit One – Dusting Means a Cleaner Environment
Dusting, while making your home look better, also means a cleaner environment for your family. You are removing fallen particles, thus improving overall air quality. Removing dust is especially important for family members who have allergies, asthma, or other breathing issues. Dusting removes allergens, thus reducing allergy symptoms and allowing allergy and asthma sufferers to breathe more easily. By dusting regularly, you also remove other contaminants, like dust mites, from the environment.
Benefit Two – Dusting Delivers a Clean, Fresh Home
When you let dust build up, not only are you allowing allergens to affect your family, you are also increasing the amount of dust and grime to build up on your belongings. Over time, this dust buildup makes effectively cleaning your home more difficult. Not only that, but it also means cleaning takes longer when you finally get around to it – a problem no one wants to have!
Completing Your Dusting Routine Effectively
If you call on a professional cleaning service, like Signature Maids, to get your home clean and fresh on a regular basis, thorough dusting will be part of the overall cleaning package. If you do-it-yourself, thorough dusting should be a part of your weekly routine of home cleaning. This may leave you wondering, just what is a regular and thorough dusting routine. Here, are some helpful dusting tips from Signature Maids to your home thoroughly dusted.
- Top to Bottom – Always begin your dusting routine at the ceiling and work your way down. As you remove dust above, it falls, settling down on items below. Beginning at the top means you remove the most dust possible, and won’t have to re-dust items as you go along. Look up and let’s begin. Start with ceiling light fixtures and fans, as well as air vents, and follow up with tops of tall furniture, like bookshelves, armoires, cabinets, and the like. Move on to high shelving, the tops of picture frames, followed by lamps, desks, tables, and also electronics like computers, televisions, and more.
- Upholstered Furnishings – While you can’t dust upholstered furniture (sofas, chairs, recliners, etc.), you can vacuum the dust away as part of your routine. Doing so will help keep hard surfaces free from dust and your furniture looking its best.
- Don’t forget those baseboards – While no one really likes to get down there, dusting your baseboards regularly is important. When you skip the baseboards, dirt and grime build up making your cleaning tasks more difficult.
- The final step is the floor – As the top to bottom technique dictates, the floors will be the last area dusted. For carpet, you can simply vacuum up the dust that has settled in while you dusted from the top down. If your vacuum is equipped for hard surface flooring, the same is true, and if not, you might consider a special duster to get the job done well.