How to Clean Up Broken Glass Safely

Cleaning up broken glass can be a delicate task to ensure your safety and prevent any injuries. Broken glass can be a health hazard for everyone living in the house and therefore, must be cleaned right away. If there are children or senior citizens in the house, ask them to avoid coming near the broken glass until it has been picked to avoid injury. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean up broken glass:
Ensure safety
Before you start cleaning, make sure to put on protective gear such as gloves and closed-toe shoes to avoid any injuries. Additionally, keep children and pets away from the area until the cleanup is complete.
Prepare The Necessary Supplies
Using the right tools to clean up broken glass is as important as taking safety measures to avoid injury. Gather the following supplies before you begin the cleanup process:
- Dustpan and brush
- Thick cardboard or pieces of stiff paper
- Duct tape or masking tape
- Damp paper towels or disposable rags
- A container or bag for disposal
Assess The Damage
Take a moment to assess the extent of the broken glass and see how far the pieces have spread. Look for any larger or sharper pieces that may require extra care during the cleanup process.
Remove Larger Pieces
Carefully pick up larger pieces of glass with your gloved hands. If the pieces are too big or sharp to handle safely, use a dustpan and brush to scoop them up. Place the larger pieces in a sturdy container or bag to prevent further breakage.
Collect Smaller Fragments
To gather the smaller glass fragments, use a stiff piece of cardboard or stiff paper. Gently press the cardboard or paper against the floor, sweeping it across the affected area. The glass pieces will stick to the cardboard or paper due to static electricity.
Double-Check The Area
After using the cardboard or paper, visually inspect the area to ensure no smaller glass shards remain. If you see any, carefully pick them up with damp paper towels or disposable rags, pressing down gently to avoid any cuts.
Secure The Broken Glass
To prevent any accidental cuts or injuries while disposing of the broken glass, wrap the larger shards in duct tape or masking tape to create a secure bundle. This will prevent the glass from coming apart during disposal. Additionally, you can place the bundle in a plastic bag and tie the opening using a small rope.
Dispose of The Glass
Place the taped bundle and any other smaller glass fragments into a sturdy container, such as a plastic bag or a puncture-resistant container. Seal the container tightly and label it as broken glass for proper disposal. Check with your local waste management guidelines for the appropriate disposal method.
Clean The Area
Once all the glass is removed, thoroughly clean the affected area with a damp cloth or mop. This will help ensure that all glass particles are removed. Pay extra attention to any hard-to-reach areas where glass may have traveled.
Dispose of Protective Gear
Carefully remove and dispose of your gloves and other protective gear. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to ensure no glass fragments remain on your skin.
Book a Professional Cleaning Service To Safely Remove Broken Glass
Cleaning up broken glass can be a daunting venture and if you feel anxious while doing so, consider contacting professional cleaning services. Our cleaning team at Signature Maids will carry all the necessary tools to ensure that every shard of glass is picked up and safely disposed so you don’t have to worry about injuries. To book your cleaning appointment, feel free to give us a call today.