Keeping Your House Germ Free

You breathe a deep sigh of relief every time you clean your home, making it the clean, organized haven you adore. And then a random thought comes to mind, everything is its place, not a speck of dust in sight, but did you really rid your home of germs in the cleaning process. You did your best and your home looks wonderful, but the experts tell you germs still make their home in yours. What can you do to keep your home germ free and your family healthy? The team at Signature Maids offers these tried and true tips:
In the Bathroom
Think about it, when you brush, all the food particles and bacteria in your mouth land on your toothbrush, resulting in a thriving home for germs. To keep germ overgrowth from happening on your trusty toothbrush, rinse your toothbrush with hot water after you brush and then place it in a water glass to dry. Laying it on the counter or placing it in a case, just give the bacteria and other germs more incentive to grow.
Another germ hotspot in your bathroom is the bathtub/shower. When you take a shower or bath, you wash off not only dirt and grime, but germs and viruses. It would be great if all that washed down the drain, but the truth is some of it clings to the damp surfaces and flourishes. You can solve the problem simply by using your favorite disinfectant and cleaner on these surfaces weekly.
And don’t forget the bathroom floor. Closing the toilet before flushing will help keep the floor free from germs, but it’s not enough. Your bathroom floor should be mopped weekly with a bleach-based cleaner and floor mats should be washed in hot water during the weekly bathroom cleaning.
In the Kitchen
The kitchen sink, along with your countertops, offers germs a safe harbor in which to grow and thrive. The sink where all the washing and rinsing of dishes, pans, and glasses happens, along with countertops where liquids, juices from meat and poultry, and food crumbs lives, and the cleaning sponges, rags, and towels used to clean them are a refuge for bacteria and other germs. The key to keeping germs away is using an antibacterial cleaner or traditional soap and water after ever rinse, every snack, every meal. Sanitize your towels and rags in the washing machine and your sponges in the dishwasher. And disinfect your sink and counters, multiple times a week with your favorite disinfectant.
Another kitchen trouble spot is your cutting board(s). It’s important to use separate boards for meats and veggies/fruits. Always wash your fruits and veggies before cutting. Choosing cutting board that are glass or plastic can also reduce the spread of germs. Once the cutting is complete, wash your cutting board in soapy hot water or in the dishwasher. And replace old worn cutting boards which more easily harbor bacteria.
In the Bedroom
Next to the bathroom and kitchen, much of your time is spent in the bedroom, which means germs love to make their home there. First, there are the dead skin cells on the bed, floor, table, etc. Dirty, sweaty clothes can also find their way onto the floor rather than into the hamper or wash. Then, there are the dust mites which adore your bedding and mattresses. Of course, these issues can be fixed quickly by washing your bedding weekly in hot water. You can also mop the floor, vacuum the carpet with a HEPA equipped vacuum, and clean surfaces with a safe disinfectant to keeps germs around the house away.