Signature Sanitize for Your Retail Business

For retail businesses across the country, cleaning protocols have changed to ensure the safety of employees and customers during the age of COVID-19. From cleaning and sanitizing to personal protective equipment (PPE), retail companies have worked diligently to follow guidelines provided by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), OSHA(The Occupational Safety and Health Administration), FDA(Food and Drug Administration), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) as well as state and local authorities. The goal is to maintain personal hygiene and employee health as well consumer health and well-being while shopping.
Employee Health
It is crucial for employers to instruct employees who are ill to stay home and follow CDC and local health department guidelines. For employees who are ill on the job, employers should send them home immediately, clean and disinfecting any points of contact in the retail business and notifying others of potential COVID-19 exposure. To prevent exposure, pre-screening (temperature and symptom screening) should be performed prior to work. In addition, surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected often, and employees should wear masks and practice social distancing when possible.
Employee Hygiene
In a retail environment, masks and social distancing should be mandatory for employees. In addition, employees should be encouraged to wash hands frequently with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. When hand washing is not available, alcohol-based sanitizer (minimum 60 percent alcohol) should be available. Decrease sharing of high touch items like phones, computers, cash registers, workstations, and encourage the use of disposable products on the sales floor and in the employee breakroom.
Signature Sanitize for Employee and Customer Safety.
As a retail business owner who is encouraging employee safety, it is equally important to protect your customers and keep them safe. You should have a plan in place, which follows national, state, and local guidelines.
Contactless payment is the best option, but if not available, wipeable covers for credit card terminals, tablets, and touchscreens can be cleaned after each customer. Customers, like employees should have easy access to alcohol-based hand sanitizers or wipes throughout your retail business along with tissues and touchless trashcans. Provide direction and educational signs throughout your business encouraging the use of masks, frequent handwashing, social distancing, and appropriate cough/sneeze etiquette. Adding pick-up, curbside service, and delivery can also help maintain employee safety, as can the addition of physical barriers between employees and customers in parts of your business where physical distancing is difficult.
Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of the highest touchpoints, from doorknobs to displays, cash registers to push bars, light switches to keyboards, in your offices, breakrooms, retail areas, and restrooms are also crucial to employee and customer health and safety.
Signature Sanitize by Signature Maids can help get the job of cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing all of your retail spaces safe. Signature Sanitize is a custom sanitization and disinfection service from Signature Maids delivered with the promise of a fully sanitized retail space. The touchless disinfection process features the application of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved disinfecting solution, Vital Oxide, by the latest innovation in electrostatic atomizers. Vital Oxide then works to destroy 99.999 percent of viruses and bacteria including COVID-19, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Norovirus, Swine Flu (H1N1), Legionella, Pneumophila, as well as mold, mildew, allergens, and more. The application is performed by Signature Maids trained technicians to fully sanitize and disinfect your retail space including major touch points as well as hard to reach spaces to ensure the safety of your customers and your employees.
Ready to engage the benefits of Signature Sanitize Disinfection and Sanitization Service for your retail business? Call on Signature Maids today and find out how Signature Sanitize can help your retail business stay safe for customers and employees – from the breakroom to the restroom, offices to retail space, checkout areas to warehousing spaces, and everywhere in between.