The Helpful Habits of People Who Have Clean Homes

New Year’s resolutions come and go. Some involve getting fit, other target eating better, some specify being more organized, and others still include keeping a cleaner home. Since cleaning, organizing, and improving your daily space is a specialty of the team at Signature Maids, we’d like to share some helpful habits of those who have clean, organized homes every day of the week.
You know those people, whose homes look perfect, as though no one truly lives in the space, right? Everyone knows at least one, and in today’s blog the goal is to find out how they do it on a daily basis. If you know the secrets of keeping your home clean and organized, doing it isn’t really as difficult as it may seem at first glance. In truth, you only need to establish a few helpful habits to get your home in shape and keep it that way. Here’s how:
- No Procrastination – If your home is going to stay clean and tidy, you can’t be a procrastinator. When you put off accomplishing a task, you simply make your to do list longer, and you end up having to complete a number of unwanted tasks to get the job done right.
- Keep the Air Clean – Now, while keeping the air in your home clean may sound like a noble cause, you may be wondering how that helps keep your home clean. Keeping the air clean with an air purifier and vacuuming with a HEPA filter offer the promise of fresh air, but also a dust-free home. A quality air purifier promises to remove 99 percent of the particles which become dust in your home. By choosing a premium air purifier or two for your home, you’ll breath easier and dust less. On the same note, using a vacuum with a HEPA filter will clear away the minimal dust left behind by the air purifier or tracked in by people and pets. A HEPA filter equipped vacuum will remove dust, pollen, pet dander, and other particles which make up dust. Using a vacuum with HEPA filter along with a high quality air purifier will keep you home nearly dust and contaminant free, meaning a cleaner home and less cleaning time for you.
- Helpful Habits Mean Clean – This may seem hard to believe, but making your bed each morning accomplishes multiple things. First, it reduces the untidiness of the bedroom, and second, it decreases clutter. Finally, making the bed first thing in the morning starts your day off right with a feeling of accomplishment. After the bed is made, emptying the dishwasher or the sink of covered clean dishes makes the ongoing dish cleaning task manageable. On top of that, it means in the evening you will be prepped and ready to prepare the evening meal. Those with clean homes have also learned to clean as they cook and not piling everything up until dinner is over. Putting ingredients away, wiping counters as you cook, soaking pans after the food is plated, washing as you go, means less work on the back end when you are ready to wind down. Keeping a clean house also means cleaning out the refrigerator weekly. All it takes is emptying out unused leftovers, washing the containers, and wiping down the refrigerator shelves. And lastly, tidying up before you head to bed each night goes a long way in keeping a clean home. Have each member of the household put items away, fold throws, and pick up items not in use. Organizing throughout the day, whether with baskets or bins is a great way to get everyone involved in keeping your home clean and organized.
By adding one of more of the helpful habits into your life, you’ll find a cleaner and better organized home emerges. And, as always, should you need a little extra help in getting the job done, the team at Signature Maids is ready to help.