Your Go-To Guide For The 5 Toughest Carpet Stains

Carpet stains can be a challenge to clean depending on the nature of the stain, how big a mark it left behind, and how much time has passed since the stain first occurred. While many can be easy to clean or otherwise not leave noticeable marks, if you care about your carpets and their appearance, then cleaning up any spills or messes as quickly as possible is vital for preserving the appearance and lifespan of your carpets.
To help you prevent any accidental mishaps from leading to worse stains, here is your go-to guide for some of the toughest and most common carpet stains around your living space.
Coffee Stains
Coffee being a staple beverage of many households, coffee stains tend to be among the most common and difficult stains people regularly encounter. If you accidentally spill coffee, you will want to address it as soon as possible, as leaving it for later can quickly leave you with a permanent stain.
Try using a sponge or dry cloth and gently rub it away, beginning from the edges and carefully working towards the center to avoid spreading it further. You can add a mix of 1/4 cup of water and 1/4 of bleach to blot out the stain before rinsing it again with warm water, repeating the process until the stain is removed.
Pet Urine Stains
Another common one in many homes is stains from pet urine. If you have a cat or a dog, usually, this is not an issue if they are potty trained. But when you have a puppy or kitten, or in the event of an odd accident, cleaning up the mess quickly is the key to preventing permanent stains from tarnishing your carpet and keeping odors from permeating throughout your home.
Using gloves, remove any excess urine from the area. If you do not have any pet urine cleaning solutions, you can spread about 1/4 cup of baking soda around the stain and let it sit overnight before vacuuming.
Red Wine Stains
Another classic household stain is that of red wine, a dark liquid that is also very difficult to remove from carpets. Red wine can leave a particularly nasty and noticeable stain, so addressing it as quickly as possible is vital.
You can use the baking soda solution, like with pet urine, to address the stain, or use a tablespoon of white vinegar and 2 cups of water to blot out the mark. Use warm water to dilute the vinegar before pouring it on the stain for better results.
Vomit Stains
Vomit is always frustrating to clean since it is more than just liquid. As with any other stain, put on a pair of gloves before attending to the mess. Begin by removing and disposing of solid waste by scraping it off the carpet. Once any solids are gone, you can use the same method as pet urine with baking soda to clean up the residue and tend to the odor left behind.
In addition to the method involving vinegar, you can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean up the stains (be warned that it may discolor your carpet, so test it out first). You can apply the hydrogen peroxide to a clean towel or rag and blot the stain until it fades away. Finish the procedure with a damp rag to blot out the stain again with water before leaving it to dry.
Hire Professional Cleaning Services
Some stains can be hard to get rid of on your own, depending on the cause or the breadth of the spillage, which is why hiring professional cleaning services can save you a lot of stress. If you would like to learn more about the quality cleaning services offered by Signature Maids, contact us today to learn more.